How To Poker Chips Tricks

3/27/2022by admin

Teaches you some basic chip tricks. Teaches you some basic chip tricks. Tricks poker chips. VIDEOS GALLERIES.

Poker hand chart, as an aid for players It should be clear to everyone that before starting their difficult path to conquering the heights of the World Series of Poker, players need to thoroughly learn the basics of the game, as well as to master the possibilities and rankings of poker combinations. Mar 19, 2018 - Klick Klack - The sound of the nervous guy who's turn it is to either call or fold to the All in. Now some elegant poker chip tricks would come in handy.

Robert Woolley

Ed. note: For those who might have missed it before, we're reprising Robert Woolley's series of articles for poker players who are new to live poker. The series is great for newcomers, and likely useful as well to those with experience playing in casinos and poker rooms.

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This article concludes my three-part survey of the rules and procedures surrounding poker chips in brick-and-mortar casinos. In the first part, I discussed the complicated relationship between chips and money, chip colors, stacking chips, and other rules regarding chips. In the second part, I covered some things to think about when calling, betting, or raising with chips.

Today I want to finish the discussion by considering a variety of other chip-related topics. All of the following points apply equally to tournaments and cash games.

The 'Oversize Chip Rule'

It often happens that you want to call a bet but don't have a combination of chips that will match it exactly. For example, you want to limp in by just calling the amount of the $2 big blind, but you have only $5 chips. If you say nothing and just put out one red chip, it's potentially unclear whether your intention is to just call (expecting the dealer to give you $3 in change) or to raise to a $5 bet.


The 'oversize chip rule' (a.k.a. the 'one-chip rule') resolves this ambiguity in advance by declaring that a single chip larger than needed to constitute a call is nevertheless deemed to be just a call unless you have verbally announced a raise before putting the chip out.

Note that this isn't an issue when the overage is not enough to constitute a raise anyway, e.g., if you call a $4 bet with a $5 chip. The rule is also not invoked when you put out more than one chip. For example, if you are facing a bet of $15 and put out two green ($25) chips, nobody could mistakenly think that you intended to just call. Where there is no ambiguity, there is no need for a rule to resolve it.

Once in a while, a player new to casino poker believes that this rule should not be applied if he has small-denomination chips such that he could have used them if his intention were to call rather than raise. For example, he puts out a $5 as the first player to act after the blinds in a $1/$2 no-limit game. When the dealer, following the rule, declares this to be just a $2 call, the player might protest, pointing to the large stack of $1 chips that he could have used if he had wanted to just call.

This argument is never considered valid. The rule goes by what was actually done, not by what could have been done.

Handling Chips

I'm not a germophobe, but I do try to keep an awareness of which objects in my environment are reasonably clean and which are not. Casino chips, to put it bluntly, are filthy.

I prefer handling chips as little as possible, and advise you to do the same. Nobody knows for sure, but it stands to reason that poker chips could serve as a vector for transmitting cold and flu viruses from one player to the entire table. I, for one, would like to minimize the risk of being on the receiving end of such a 'gift.'

Chip Tricks

You will often see poker veterans playing with their chips in interesting ways. They will shuffle chip stacks one-handed, run them over their knuckles, flip them like tiddlywinks, bounce them perfectly onto a target, and so on.

Though I can appreciate the time and effort it takes to master such tricks, I have no interest in learning to do them myself, and my advice to you is not to waste your time and energy, either. It's a distraction from what you should be paying attention to.

Also, you may unconsciously give off 'tells' this way. Chip-shuffling players are notorious for slowing down — without being aware of it — when they have a monster hand.

Finally, if you spend much time in a large poker tournament room, the 'white noise' of hundreds of players mindlessly shuffling their chips may remind you of cicada season and make you want to vow not to contribute to the din.

Small Denominations

When playing a in a $1/$2 game, I like keeping at least five or ten $1 chips in my stack at all times. That way, I can bet any exact amount I want to without having to make a verbal announcement of the amount, or call another player's bet without forcing the dealer to make change for me in the middle of a hand. The reason for that is just that I don't want to be distracted by such details when I'm trying to focus on what my opponents are doing and making my best decisions.

If I have less than five or ten small chips, I'll rebuild my supply by paying a couple of round of blinds with larger chips and getting change from the dealer. This, of course, isn't a rule or even a standard practice or point of etiquette — just a practical hint that you might find helpful.

Making Change

Sometimes another player or even the dealer will ask you to make change — e.g., exchange five $1 chips for one $5 chip, or whatever. Helping out this way when asked is not only perfectly acceptable, but a nice bit of social lubrication to keep the game friendly and moving efficiently. Just be sure that you count both the chips you're giving and those you're receiving, so that both parties concur that the trade is being done fairly.

Particularly when doing an exchange with another player, be as open as you can be about the counting of chips, both verbally and visually. That way, neither the other players nor casino security personnel observing the game through overhead cameras are given any reason to think that unethical 'chip dumping' is taking place.

How To Do Tricks With Poker Chips

Collecting Chips

Many players like to keep poker chips as souvenirs of their visit to a casino. Not only is this legal, but the casinos love it when you do this.

When they put into circulation chips with colorful designs commemorating this, that, and the other thing, they earnestly hope that you will take the chips home without cashing them out, resulting in pure profit to the casino. It's the same principle as the post office printing stamps that they hope you will purchase, then place in an album rather than on an envelope, giving them revenue without having to provide a service in exchange.

If you like collecting chips, feel free to do so. It can be fun to see how many different ones you can accumulate. Be aware, however, that, like most collecting hobbies, it can suck you in and drain your bank account if you let it get out of control.

Whew! Three whole articles just about poker chips! I hope it has been a worthwhile excursion into a subject that isn't discussed much, but is actually central to how casino poker games operate.

Next we will move on to tackle another category of poker table equipment, also sometimes confusing to the new player — all of the many forms of 'buttons' that are used.

Robert Woolley lives in Asheville, NC. He spent several years in Las Vegas and chronicled his life in poker on the 'Poker Grump' blog.

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There are several How To Poker Chips Trickspoker chip tricks

How To Poker Chip Tricks

which have been developed. Many sites demonstrate how to perform these tricks with graphic videos. These sites also welcome new chip tricks from poker enthusiasts. Some of these tricks are explained below.
Twirl Poker Chips Trick
This involves three chips and one has to master the art of separating the middle chip from the two edge chips. It can be done with all types of poker chips.
Shuffle Poker Chips Trick
This requires two stacks of five chips each. One must use the thicker poker chips and not the thin plastic chips for this trick.

Front To Back Poker Chips Trick - Poker tricks
This requires 3 to 7 poker chips. All types of chips can be used for this trick. The main point to note is to hold all but one of the chips in position with the pinky.
Knuckle Roll Poker Chips Trick
This is done with a single chip. Thick heavy poker chips should be used for this trick.
Evelyn Ng Butterfly Poker Chips Trick
This uses four chips and is the most difficult chip trick. One must use heavier chips for this trick. It is easy if one has mastered the twirl before attempting this trick.
Antonio The Magician Poker Chips Roll Trick
This uses three chip and there should be separation between the chips before rotating. Thick chips should be used for this trick.

Triangle Poker Chips Trick
This uses three poker chips and can be done with all types of chips. It is easy if one knows the three chip twirl.

Mexican Jumping Chip
This trick is developed by Benji “The Ace” Jaimes and involves making a chip jump from one stack to another.
Twirl Flick
His trick perfected by Anders Lundkvist is a variation of the twirl involving half a twirl. The chip is tossed over the hand, across the body, and caught with the opposite hand.

Bounce Back
This involves throwing a chip with a backspin so that the chip bounces back and is caught next to the other poker chips. This has been developed by Anders Lundkvist.
In this the trick by Anders Lundkvist the chip is slammed onto the surface so that it runs forward and the backspin created brings the chip back.
Phil Ivey Step-up
Phil Ivey Step-up by Dennis Saunders involves pulling chips from a stack and restacking them with the same hand without the chips ever touching the felt.
It is called back to front.
This trick by Steven Sowinski involves picking a chip from the front of the stack over to the back.

This is a finger flip variation.
In this one pulls a chip from the bottom of a stack to the top.
Finger Roll
In this trick one rolls a chip from finger to finger.

This trick is just a variation of the twirl.
Unwrap and Re-Capture
This trick by Dan Baker involves catching a flying chip in between two other chips.
This trick is just a butterfly variation.
The butterfly is the most difficult poker chip trick.
Knuckle roll
It ha been perfected by Dutch Boyd .It is difficult to learn but when done rapidly the chip looks like it is floating over the fingers.
Finger Flip
Dutch Boyd has popularized this trick. It is similar to the thumb chip flip.
Thumb Flip

This involves lifting a chip with one’s thumb and flipping it over a number of chips that are lined up behind this chip. It is one of the easiest tricks. It is also referred to as front to back, thump chip flip, or chip flip.

Different Types of Weighted Poker Chips For Tricks
There are a variety of chips available for tricks. These include 5 gram, 8 gram, 9 gram, 11.5 gram, 13 gram and 13.5 gram .The most popular are the 11.5 grams in weight available in both clay and regular type. The clay composite chips are not as smooth as the regular composite chips. The heavy poker chips are easier to practice with. It is easier to adjust to using a lighter chip after having practiced with lighter chips but not vice versa. The performance of poker chips are judged on the basis of their appearance, relative price and quality.

Learn Poker tricks
Thus there are various poker chip tricks which can be learnt over time with practise and then one can develop one’s own tricks for the benefit of others.

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